An experiment in community care, shared embodiment, and decentralized learning. This event offers a series of virtual gathering spaces that include workshops, skill shares, conversations, and embodiment practices focused on strategies for sustaining ourselves, each other, and the movements for liberation.

Salvage Exchange is a companion project to the performance piece Salvage Rituals and continues its investigation of sustainability with a focus on mutual aid and embodiment. Salvage Rituals was born from a private ritual to mourn friends very much alive but lost to unsupported neurodivergence and addiction. The performance is interested in the potential of communal ritual intersecting with DIY engineering as an embodied practice of mutualism/mutual aid. Salvage Rituals is a National Performance Network Creation and Development Fund Commission that will premiere with On the Boards in the future.

During this pandemic the theme of "sustaining" became even more literal and urgent. Our "rehearsals" have morphed into something between a reading group, weekly slumber party, pandemic support group and/or a space to check in and say hi to each other. Each week is an experiment in strategies for sustaining- in learning to care for each other, find shared embodiment and learn together. These events come from a desire to invite our friends and community into these strategies for sustaining we’ve been exploring.

We're planning more Salvage Exchange events in the future: workshops, skill shares, conversations and embodiment practices. Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you're interested in organizing an event with us.